Meet Our Ministries

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Take a moment to check out our church ministries!  If you want to find out more, complete the form in the ministry description.
It is the mission of the Singles Ministry to provide a safe, spiritual environment where singles of all demographic can gather for holistic fellowship, fun, and faith building.

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The A.C.T.S. (Actors Committed to Touching Souls) Drama Ministry to support the ministry of the Community Baptist Church of Englewood by communicating the life-sustaining principles of Jesus Christ through the art of dramatic expression.

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To respond to the call of God by providing encouragement and prayerful support to the Pastor, First Lady, willfully and confidentially serving in all aspects of ministry.

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It is the mission of the Associate Ministers Fellowship to support and undergird the Pastoral Ministry with prayerful participating in all aspects of the ministerial life of the church, as assigned or requested.

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Community Saints 2050 A.D
It is the mission of the Community Saints 2050 A.D. Rites of Passage Program to produce young leaders who will possess the character and integrity to responsibly engage the world of entrepreneurship and volunteerism, and equally engage the work of justice and peace as Christians in the year 2050 and beyond.

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It is the mission of the Culinary Ministry to support all normal church functions, such as ministry events, repast, and special afternoon functions, and special events with food services as requested.

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The Deaconess Ministry supports the overall vision of the church as stewards over the Holy Sacraments and the preparation of new believers for the sacred act of baptism.

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It is the mission of the Deacons Ministry to support the vision of the Senior Pastor by overseeing the shepherding aspect of the congregation and the benevolent outreach ministry.

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The mission of the Discipleship Ministry is to develop followers of Jesus Christ who are committed to personal transformation through the cultivation of the spiritual disciplines and accountability.

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It is the mission of the Educational Council to provide supportive opportunities for Student Development, Parent Advocacy, and College/Career Readiness.

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To utilize the gifts God has bestowed upon us by providing professional and compassionate first aid assistance to the First Family, Church Staff, and congregation when needed.

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First, to serve the body of Christ in the spirit of hospitality in alignment with God's word, our church covenant, and our Pastor's vision. Secondly, to create a warm and friendly atmosphere that will allow the gospel of Christ to be heard and received.

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It is the mission of IMPACT Men's Ministry to provide a safe space for men to confidently gather, learn, share, while being transformed by the renewing power of God's word.

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The mission of the KTF Ministry is to create a welcoming, supportive and spiritual environment for those who are anticipating, undergoing, or recovering from cancer treatment, including family members affected by this disease. The mission is to assist in any capacity needed by those impacted.

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It is the mission of the Marriage Ministry to minister to and encourage married and engaged couples by providing meaningful resources and activities that enhance and strengthen relationships.

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To demonstrate the love of Christ to the "least of these" by lovingly and compassionately targeting the real life needs of people.

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It is the mission of the Multimedia Ministry to use digital and electronic platforms as a tool for worship and outreach to enable the expansion of the gospel of Jesus Christ, incorporating technology and media.

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To support the corporate worship experience by cultivating a sound that ignites a heavenly presence as we share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song

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It is the mission of the Parking Lot Ministry to provide a parking service for our worshipers that is organized, courteous, and professional, with the goal of bolstering a safe and efficient parking experience.

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It is the mission of the Prison Ministry to provide support to persons and families affected by the loss of loved-ones to the prison experience by offering a judgement-free environment whereby people can experience hope, help, and healing.

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Rejoice, the dance ministry of CBC, combines worship and creative expression to enhance the worship experience at CBC.  

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The Sarah M. Clark Mothers Ministry serves as an army of spiritual women who are able to share Godly wisdom and sound advice to younger wives, to mothers and all women.

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To protect the Word of God by facilitating atmosphere of safety and security whereby the Pastor, First Lady, and the Congregation can worship without fear or distraction.

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The Transportation Ministry supports our church and members by offering transportation to and from service.  Shoot us an email if you want to be a part of our ministry!

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The mission of those appointed to the Trustee Ministry is to support the vision of the Senior Pastor by functioning as good stewards over the church's finances and all assets in accordance to the scriptures and in compliance with the laws of the state, to ensure that the ministry of God's word and daily operation s of the church can proceed without undue interruption.

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To serve as doorkeepers in the house of the Lord, united in one love, as one body striving to God's work, who is our light and joy of our salvation.

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To restore the agency of women by empowering and inspiring them through biblical principles that will sustain their lives, causing them to evolve into the woman that God created them to be.

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X-Factor is the teen ministry of CBC and strives to support our teens as they navigate life, faith and the world around them.  Bible studies, teen outings and regular meetings help our teens build the support groups and friendships needed to navigate Christian life.

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To provide a strong foundation in biblical principles by exposing children to God's Word through the media of reading, writing, art, games, music, and dance.

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