In 1993, Rev. Dr. Lester W. Taylor, Jr. became the fifth pastor of the Community Baptist Church. Under his leadership, our church experienced significant growth and development. This is attributed to Dr. Taylor’s philosophy of ministry that was progressive and inclusive. Consequently, the church licensed and ordained its first female minister, Rev. Gladys Brown. The first female ordained as a deacon was Lorene Frasier.
Subsequently, more than 40 women have been licensed as ministers, over ten have received ordination, and we have several men and women serving as Senior Pastors. Four additional women have been ordained as deacons, and both men and women provide leadership for the ministry.
In 1996, the Back to the Bible Independent Holiness Church, led by Pastor Dorothy M. Neal, merged with the Community Baptist Church of Englewood in efforts to further the cause of ministry. This was unprecedented for churches of differing denominations to merge for a common cause. But prompted by the Holy Spirit, both pastors sensed it was the will of God to do greater works together. Rev. Neal, an amazing bible teacher, became the Director of Christian Education, and her entire congregation became actively engaged in ministry.