Dios te ama—sin importarle quién tu eres, sin importarle tu pasado. Porque de tal manera te ama Dios, que dio á su Hijo unigénito por ti. La Biblia nos dice "…para que todo el que cree en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna."(Juan 3:16 NVI). Jesus dio su vida y la recibio otra vez pare que pasemos a la eternidad con El en el cielo y para que vivamos absolutamente lo major en la tierra. Si te gustaría recibír a Jesús en tu vida, di la siguiente oración con la voz en alto y en serio con todo tu Corazón:
The session concludes with a tour of the church and a brunch.
o Community Baptist Church typically performs the rite of baptism on the first Sunday of each month.
o You will receive additional information on the baptism process at New Members Orientation.
o The Right Hand of Fellowship is typically extended on the first Sunday, immediately following baptisms.
o Candidates who have completed the New Members Orientation and have been baptized, at either Community Baptist Church or another church, are eligible to receive the Right Hand of Fellowship.
o All new members will receive a church membership certificate and membership identification number.